Family, Friends and Visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to visit the Pastor's desk. My hope is that you have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus. For a long time in my life living for the moment was wonderfully pleasing and I did it so well. I always knew of Jesus and when I needed Him I would call on Him for help. I thought it was great to be a fan, for that was what I was just a fan. In 1999 a major ripple in my world started and by 2002 I knew there was nothing more I could do to change that event. My eldest son encouraged me to get back into church and so I started a new chapter in my life.  I entered Seminary.  A place I always feared yet knew that was where God was trying to get me years earlier. I am not sorry the path I walked for all of life's journey's have given me a better understanding of real life. God uses me in the capability he needs me, there are no bells and whistles with me just a love for people and the Lord the same way He loves me I want to love others. If you would like to come and visit Eastside we would love to have you here, this is a family atmosphere church with warm handshakes, smiles and hugs. I am no longer a fan of Jesus I am a follower and I thank God for giving me the time to come around and understand what He wants from me.

If you do not have a personal relationship with Him, I want you to know He is really who He says He is. He will never leave you nor forsake you. His love is so comforting and enjoyable like hot cocoa in front of a warm fire with lots of marshmallows. Take time to talk to God.  He is waiting to hear from you.  His phone line is always open, no dropped calls, there is never a dead zone just eternal life waiting at the other end.

April 17, 2018

   We are awaiting the arrival of the official day of spring. Here where I am the sun is rising over the Horizon and it is 33 degrees. We are one degree above freezing what does that bring to mind? As frost on new sprouts brings death or frostbite so does not accepting Jesus as the one true Lord and Savior brings death and frostbite to our hearts. That death and frostbite can be melted away and a new fresh sprout can work itself out from within a fertile heart. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life..." The life, the only life that does not have to fear the cold frozen touch of death. Do you know Jesus as your personal savior? The end of that verse says " man cometh unto the Father but by me." 
   Do you want to be free from the bondage of this life? Free from deaths sting? Then surrender to God through His Son Jesus and you shall be free, free indeed.

March 27, 2018

   Palm Sunday, The Crucifixion and The Resurrection what do they mean to you? To me they are my 3 most important days in my walk in Christ. Palm Sunday was the joyful day for the Israelites announcing their Kings entrance into Jerusalem, He had come to defeat their enemies and set them free, Jesus did come to set them free from their captivity just not in the way they imagined. To them they were joyful but to Christ the walk to the cross started on that day as he entered in the celebration of joy words were spoke asking Him to keep their songs and their praises quiet. Jesus responded if they do not then the stones surely will, those words alone should wake us up as to how important this joyful celebration had to be to God's ears. For the next few days He was examined and questioned looking for blemishes or faults in His Words and as Pilate said I find no fault in Him. He came into Jerusalem at the same time they brought in the sacrificial lamb for the Jewish feast of Passover and examined him in the same period of time before he was to be slain as their sin offering.
   We go to Tuesday afternoon and He walks into a meal with His disciples sits down. Jesus stands up girds Himself with a towel and washes the feet of the disciples telling them as I was sent as a servant so are you also servants be humble, loving compassionate, kind and most importantly forgive those who mock you. As they are sitting there the mood changes when Jesus tells them this bread is my body and this wine is my blood of the New Covenant. The meal over Judas leaves to betray Him, He leads them out to the Garden of Gethsemane with a hymn. At the garden He prays "Lord if it be thy will let this cup pass from me." It was not to pass this is what Jesus came to do "nevertheless your will not mine." The soldiers come Judas kisses Him on the cheek.
   It is now our Tuesday evening there Wednesday and He is taken to Caiaphas for their judgment proceedings to start. Jesus is mocked by them, spit on smacked, cursed and by the testimony of 2 false witnesses is condemned. He is taken to Pilate where He is interrogated, Pilate sends Him to Herod where the mockery continues yet did not say a word. They do the same, they spit on Him, slap Him and continue to mock Him, They send Him back to Pilate it is now Wednesday morning where the crowd yells out "Crucify Him, Crucify Him" so Pilate sends Him to be scourged. This scourging was beyond our ability to understand cruelty in such a manner, it was a life's worth of beatings in a matter of a short time. He was pummeled by the lead pieces on one end of the nine tails the other ends contained sharp metal, shards of pottery, all meant to cut to bruise to rip the flesh away. When the scourging is over pieces of flesh are hanging everywhere, bone is exposed, veins are visible and His face is hardy recognized by any. A beam is laid across His shoulders and His arms are tied to it He is led out of the Praetorium. 
   At the top of the hill at a place called Golgotha He is thrown to the ground, His hands nailed to that beam, lifted up and placed on the top of the pole His feet then made secure with another nail. Jesus is Crucified for all to see and yet He looks down and says "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." That is my Savior. Is He yours as well.
   Our passover sacrifice is now dead, He is removed from the cross and placed in a borrowed tomb as the nights of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday pass the days of Thursday, Friday and Saturday follow. Three days and three nights have now been accomplished and at sundown on Saturday evening, the start of the fourth day in Jerusalem, Jesus is resurrected from the tomb. 
   That is why this time of year is of the most importance to me, Jesus walked into Jerusalem knowing that by doing so death awaited Him and dependence of the Father is where He placed His trust. I see the signs in yards everywhere "Thank you Jesus" but I believe we need to take time and "Thank God for Jesus." 
February 8, 2018

We are officially into the 2nd month of 2018, how many of us are still following our New Year's resolution? In life we tend to make commitments often out of whims and not the heart. Jesus gives us direct direction in Matthew 5:37 "But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay..." Let us take the time before we enter into any agreement or commitment to consider the cost, then make the choice based off of sticking-to-it.. God is looking for those who are faithful in all of their sayings and our sayings should be God centered. May you be blessed in your endeavors to serve Jesus in all you do.

January 21,2018

Yes we are in a new year, new years promises made in many have already been broken. Some will hold out and do alright depending on the effort they put into those promises. God made a promise over 6,000 years ago when he promised to send a deliverer, over 2,000 years ago he delivered on that promise. Jesus was sent to us for us in and through Him we have a way unto the Father, there is only one catch you have to ask him to come and live inside of you and then be willing to follow Him. John 3:16 is God's assurance of that promise "For God so loved the world, He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Do you believe, do you pick up your cross daily and follow Him? The choice is yours and is a promise that is everlasting.

December 16, 2017

Merry Christmas
The world wants to say Happy Holidays yet the adds say Christmas sale. Christmas is a special time of year with all the decorations, lights, nativity scenes the air seems to have come alive with goodness and peace. There is no happy holidays without Christmas, Christmas was established a long time ago in the city of Bethlehem in a manger when a young girl gave birth to the savior of the world, his name Jesus. The angels declared His birth to the shepherds, the magi saw the special star and traveled to meet the King. I thank God daily for His mercy and grace this time of year brings us face to face with the revelation of God's plan to save us will you take the time to thank Him for His love for His creation that offers us the way to eternity?
Luke 2:11 "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Merry CHRISTmas to you and your loved ones. 

November 17, 2017

Two words when put together means national holiday for the United States. A tradition born long ago by the Pilgrims and the Indians and is now celebrated the 4th Thursday of every November. As we start to wind towards this holiday the excitement brews of families getting together, lots of food, fellowship and football for many. My time is more reflective as I get older and each Thanksgiving has more meaning then the one previous. Thanks, is to God who deserves more than we could ever give. Thanks for the gift of salvation along with mercy and grace to sinners. Giving, is to seek and find someone in need and invite them to a day of celebration with you and your family. We are to be ambassadors for Christ so giving is what Jesus wants us to do for others in need. The Pilgrims were in need and the Native Americans came and assisted us so long ago, if they had not we might not be here today. Take time to thank God and give Him all of you for His use since He gave us so much. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Thanks and giving that should be us to God.

October 18, 2017

The storms are over for now and so much devastation has been left in there wakes. As I see pictures and read of people still missing I am drawn to Jesus and His words in Matthew 9:36 "But when He saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them..." The outpouring of response from people into these areas has been widespread. People from all different denominations and those with no affiliations yet they have all moved with compassion to help others in dire needs. May we take time to reflect and ask ourselves one simple question, do I have the same kind of compassion for my neighborhood? They are also people in dire needs and are sheep gone astray. May God touch your heart for you to move and do what you are able to help someone else.

August 28, 2017
As Hurricane Dora ravages the Texas Coast and we hear and see reports of the devastation and flooding that comes along with the storm. All we can do is pray at this time and hope for the best possible outcome. I have heard reports of 5 lives lost to the storm so far. It is tragic when a life is lost but more so if they stood in defiance to announcements to evacuate. God grants to each of us wisdom in the measure that we request by the understanding of His Word. God's gives us a masterful plan for life are we listening to Him? Mark 4:23 "If any man has ears to hear, let him hear." If we stand in defiance of God's Word then we stand in defiance to the creator of everything. If you want peace in your life and wisdom along with that peace comfort may be found within the pages of God's personal book, "The Bible" all you have to do is open your heart and receive. My prayers go out to the families whose life was struck by loss of life yet more so to all of those whose life seems to be turned upside down by this storm. May we do what we can to lift them up in prayer, finances, and physical help if we can. God bless to all today.

July 18, 2017
There is so much negative that is going on in the world today. Our first reaction seems to be to degrade, put down, we slam the president, we mock Christians, attack those of alternative lifestyles. We turn to words of discouragement and forget we should be in prayer for them first and foremost. The nation we live in today has become just like the Israelite nation that Daniel prayed for when God had was turning His back on them. Daniel 9:5 "We have sinned, and committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from the precepts and from they judgments." May I ask you where are you today, running, making excuses, in the business of slamming people or are you actually praying for this nation and our problems? It is encouraging to note Daniel included himself in "we have sinned" he did not exclude himself even though he was not involved in what the nation was doing yet he took blame as well. The sins of our nation belong to all of us as this is our country. The blame game, the finger pointing the labeling needs not to be part of a Christians life we need to get involved with the solution to fixing the problem. Life is short and as one gets older it gets shorter and shorter as I now understand that saying and you that are young will one day see it the same as well. My challenge to you as well as to me let us start praying from so deep within that our words can only be muttered by the Holy Spirit onto God. There comes a time when we must face the truth head on to make a difference, many give up on God and turn to blaming God yet in all honesty we are getting in our nation what we deserve. There is a bright side to all of this, God says if we will turn from our wicked ways and turn back to him He will here our prayers and return to us. May we all start praying for a revival in America and a return from God.

June 27,2017
Our VBS ended last week and what a wonderful time it was. One of the elder ladies came up to me Sunday and said "pastor that was the best VBS we have ever had." The statement came to her from her sister and it was well pleasing in my ears. The scripture that came to mind from her comment is found in Acts 2:1 "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." That is where I believe we were last week "in one accord", gathered together as our church with one thought in mind, reaching the children and hopefully their parents as well. It was well pleasing to me to speak to each age group, in a small devotion, in there classrooms every night. To see the sparkle and gleam in their eyes as they listened intently. As a church even with our differences from time to time we came together and displayed God in all of His fullness. It was an honor to be part of VBS this year and see how a church when they have come together "in one accord" can truly shine for the Lord Jesus. The comments at the end where very grateful and heart warming from the staff, children and their parents as they declared we can not wait to come back next year. I give thanks to God for being within us all week, Praise God in all and through all. Until next year may your summer be filled with amazement and wonder as God reveals Himself to you, God Bless.

May 26, 2017
These last two weeks we are in the middle of race weeks here in Charlotte, NC. There are people everywhere going to and fro. The roads going in and out of the speedway are lined with police cars and the police activity is greatly heightened for the event. The true character of people show forth in their words and their actions. In all the events it seems like a carnival has surrounded us for the races, it is family time for many and bonding time for others. In an area known as Rock City (Gate Z) there is a tent set up and the people there are involved in a group called "Raceway Ministries." Although a very small part of the whole experience the people there are working for the Lord. They prepare a breakfast, have a church service, they will even have George South wrestling and they do it all for the glory of the Lord. In this little place and space I see joy, laughter and love for people that are there for the race activities. I have seen over the years many people get a glimpse of what God looks like through them. They bring to life the words in 2 Corinthians 9:6  "He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully" The physical ground at Rock City serves its name well, rock, but the ground being plowed by this ministry has softened and fertilized many for the harvest. There are many all around us everyday that are in need of plowing and fertilizing all we have to do is our part.

April 18, 2017
Resurrection is over and time to move forward into the rest of the spring. This year was a special year as our resurrection week coincided with the Jewish biblical week. This to me was a reminder of how good God is to all of those who place there trust in him. This past week was to remind us that He created all things and that He set the schedules and the conditions we are to follow if we call ourselves his children. Jesus death, burial and resurrection were on God's timetable and completed according to His plan. Why do we claim freedom from deaths sting? It is simple, Jesus overcame the grave by being perfect and God followed through with his plan of resurrection. "For a testament (will) is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator (maker of the will) lives" Hebrews 9:17. We cry Hosanna, Hosanna because we serve a risen Savior.

March 6, 2017
As we get older and our bodies do not want to do what they did when we were younger it is important to remember all flesh will decay and die. Our lives are like sand in an hour glass slowing leaving one side of the glass to the other side of the glass. As life travels on we do not know when the sand will run out but we do know it will. Today's journey might be the last journey you will take or could just be the beginning of the next journey time is of the essence and know one but you can make that decision. The world declares many religions and many gods but there is only one true God who offers you perfectness if you want it, it does have a requirement, just one accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus said unto him, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes unto the father, but by me." John 14:6. But by me is authority and declaration, if you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior you may not stop the sand and your life will end. Will you consider today to accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior and have an hour glass that will never run out of sand?

February 10, 2017
I have heard and have come to the conclusion change is a hard pill for many to swallow, especially as we get older and set in our ways. I am glad that God sees change in a different perspective, He looks at it as a necessary commodity to have in order to be at the peak of our game for growth of the Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 15:52 "....we shall all be changed", why do we need to change if we are "born again" it is because we live in a sinful body and we need to be raised into an incorruptible body to be able to present ourselves to the Lord as His bride. Many churches exist in the same corruptible body they have become stuck in the mud of being comfortable and like things left unchanged. God's request is for all Christians to grow spiritually and in that process change is necessary to reach out to the lost. Change does not mean giving up what you love yet it does mean be willing to do what is necessary for the Kingdom. God so loved us He sent a perfect person from a perfect place to dwell among sinners to show us how to become for His glory. Paul stated I became what was needed to reach those for His glory. Change does not have to be messy but it does have to happen, search your heart and see if God is trying to change you somehow. In the twinkling of an eye we will all be changed, let us do what is necessary so we can gather many to be part of that change.

January 7, 2017
We are in a new year and resolutions are all around us. Many of these resolutions will fall by the wayside in a short amount of time. Here is one you might consider, make this year the year you will dedicate to God completely. Challenge to give God all of 2017 and see what he does for your life, this will mean out of bed and at church every Sunday serving Him. God has done so much for all of us and yet we do so little for Him. The next time you see someone with a sign declaring I am homeless and in need before you say that is a scam ask God if they really need help and follow through on the leading of the Holy Spirit. If you know where the homeless hangout how about taking a thermos of coffee and offer them a hot cup. Is this the year you will visit a homeless shelter and offer your services? There are so many ways to help God reach all the people will you be a servant for Him? Happy New Year to all of you I hope you are blessed this year by our Lord and Savior.

December 15, 2016
What should we do about Santa? We know Santa is not real, yet there is this magic in the air about this time of year with the expectations and all. Here is a possible solution, I do not tell the children of a mystical magic person but I tell them of a person who brings great fun and joy this time of year and it is ok to en-JOY this time of year. Take a moment and ask yourself did Santa really ever exist, before you say no explain St. Nicholas to me and how he saved a marriage. The  Santa they show on television has his place in Hollywood, but the real Santas are the ones who bring joy into the hearts of every little boy and girl they encounter. Here is a list of a few of them, Salvation Army, Baptist Sharing House, Orphanages, parents, grandparents and how about Samaritan's Purse and the shoeboxes delivered through that network every year. Yes, I grant you there is not a person who goes down chimneys or makes a roundtrip in the time stated. Yet ask yourself this, is there not a little magic that seems to be in the air this time of year? Does your heart not feel grand when you see the smile on a little ones face. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. 

November 24, 2016
Thanksgiving Day is upon us the day we prepare all the food waiting for loved ones to come and dine with us. In our house it is a family tradition to eat dinner and watch football games. We enjoy the time we can share with our boys and their spouses, girlfriends and our grandchildren. We are truly blessed and thankful for who we have around us on this day along with the celebration of the day. We truly are thankful and give thanks for all that we have and hold so the scripture "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" has special meaning. How thankful to serve the only true and living God with all of our hearts and to be thankful for His gift of our Savior. May your Thanksgiving this year bring special memories to you and your family, Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

November 8, 2016
What is freedom and what should freedom mean to us. We are given the freedom we have because many were willing to go to war and fight for these freedoms. It does not matter whether you agree with war or not what matters is the respect our military deserve for the freedom we have. Joshua 4:13 "About forty thousand prepared for war passed over before the LORD unto battle, to the plains of Jericho." God ordained war, and wars rage today since many in the world believe they have the right to steal freedom from others. November 11 is veterans day take time to say thank you for those who have served our country well. As I once heard there are no atheists in a fox hole. Display the flag of the United States with great honor standing against the burning of our flag which has been fought for so hard by so many so we may retain our freedom. If God ordained it then we know it is necessary for equality to be lifted up and freedom of rights to be spoken.

October 14, 2016
First of all my apologies for not having a September post. There are times when life just seems to get so busy that some details get overlooked. 1st Thessalonians 4:14 "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." When we take our final breath in this body we inhabit it is amazing to those who believe to know that final breath is like going to bed at night and falling asleep. The next morning we awake only to know sleep is the only thing that separated us from the world and what was going on. When we take our last breath in this earthly body it will be the same, we will fall asleep and the next wakening moment we will be arising to meet our Lord and Savior in the clouds and the only thing we will have missed is what was going on in a dying world while we were asleep. The sad part is many will not have accepted Jesus as their Savior and they will remain asleep until the Judgement Day. Let not that happen to you accept Jesus today as this might be your last day to do so.

August 19, 2016
It is for sure everyday we look upon ourselves in the mirror we are aging, some better then others, yet we are still aging all the same. Through the years the wrinkles have shown up, the color of one's natural hair fades in my case from brown to a grey mixture and less of it. The body slows down, the joints ache more this is not new to mankind since the fall in the garden. Paul reminds us in Phillipians 3:21 "Who shall change our body of humiliation, that it may be fashioned like unto his body of glory, accodring to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself." Yes this body is perishing as it was meant to do, it is only a temporary vessel used for a greater purpose to have a way unto eternity. Do you have Jesus as your Lord and Savior, if so then we have this promise "as the outwardly is perishing the inward is renewed by the Lord day by day." Our aging bodies experience pain, illness and eventually physical death and then a resurrected body will be raised, glorified and transformed into the pattern of the body of our risen Savior. We will have bodies that no longer age, ache, lose energy indestructible and forever glorious. If you do not have that type of body as your promise seek out Jesus and receive the promise he has for you as well.

July 15, 2016
As Jesus sat with the woman at the well he spoke of living waters. Have you ever wondered what this water looked like well I have so I went looking. Hidden in scripture I found this Revelation 22:1 "And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." Living water is pure and clean flowing with grace, mercy, love, compassion and ours for the asking. John 3:16 is the key "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Do you want that crystal clean pure water all you have to do is to seek salvation and believe God's words are true.

June 6, 2016
Jesus was delivering a letter to John that was to be sent out to the 7 church's at that time and He made this statement in Revelation 3:2 "Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect (complete) before God." This statement made to the Sardis church is extremely relevant today take a good look around you at the church's that are in existence today many are being led astray by so called men of God who have fallen into the world and the possessions of it. Many are set up with a rock concert atmosphere where the music is so loud that ears are still ringing when they leave and in a short amount of time you're asking yourself what was the message.

What did Jesus mean when He said be watchful and strengthen the things which remain? Let me explain it this way, let's say you have a car and  in order to save money you go and get your gas from the salvage yard. The car still continues to run but not as smoothly as it once did the gas you are getting has a mixture of some good, some dirty and some old it is contaminated. Jesus states to the Sardis church it is time you stop using polluted gas, it is time you get back to the good gas from the gas station. The message for today is simple this generation wants the watered down, feel good message and it is destroying God's church just as contaminated fuel will destroy the engine of an automobile. God's word is meant to convict and correct us where we are going astray not to make us feel good. Are you suffering in your personal life go to the real physician seek out God's Word and change your life to be in align with His teachings.

May 13, 2016
Jesus was talking to a crowd again and this time He was directed right to the point of conversations. He most likely was hearing and seeing how the people were treating each other. He watched in the market place as money was being exchanged and goods were being bought, in some cases honestly but in many out of an evil heart. The buyers simple question could have been "are you sure this is the correct amount you have exchanged unto me?" The money exchanger might well know he did not exchange properly but responded with a smile and a yea. A seller could just as easily be slightly overcharging for there goods and declaring it was the correct amount. 

Jesus was teaching that an honest heart was correct unto God and any other way was deceiving unto the Lord. We live in a society today where the norm seems to be, let us get as much as we can. When we go to buy a vehicle the process is long and dragged out, the buyer believes they can get a better deal and the sales person holds out his best deal as long as he can. Car-Max is different the price on the vehicle is the price no negotiating will happen, there yea is yea. God gives us his definition of this in Isaiah 57:15 God tells us He dwells in the high and holy place, with Him also are those with a humble and contrite spirit. Our dealings with the world should be of the same manner, in humbleness and honesty before the Lord seeking His blessing and favor. We can do this by letting our yea be yea and our nay be nay, in all of our actions may they be pleasing unto the Lord.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

April 13, 2016
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." A starting point for God to bring our world into existence, what a wonderful start for us. God wanted a relationship with us and in order to have that relationship He created for us Earth and all the rest that is around us. Then the fall happened and yet He still wanted a relationship with us so He sent us a way to keep in relationship with Him, His Son had to come an atone for all the sin of this world. A world created for us that when the fall happened could have ended us altogether accept for one small detail God still loved us and wanted so much to still want us to want Him. A fragile relationship it seemed bu then He made it really personal through His Son's blood that it why the scripture says "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one can come onto the Father but by me." John 14:6.  A personal relationship through His Son's sacrifice makes us worthy of eternal life and a never ending relationship with God and His Son Jesus. That is why John 3:16 is the most quoted scripture of all, to remind us how personal this relationship is to Him "for god so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." What a promise we have!

March 14, 2016
What does it mean to have "spirit"? Those who follow a favorite sports team are said to have team spirit and organizational support for that team. When a team adds a player they analyze the benefit of that player to the team. When they lose a player they analyze what that loss will do to the team. Their love for that team is shown by the out pouring of their spirit through their dedication. We place so much time and effort into our worldly passions through our spirit towards them that sometimes we become "fanatics". God has given us the most powerful Spirit in all creation when He empowers us from above with the 'Holy Spirit' to all of us who declare Him Lord, surrender ourselves through salvation and get baptized declaring obedience. Many of us have done that and yet the Spirit we are empowered with has less fire in us than the spirit we have for our worldly passions. God has been generous in His gifts to us to uplift and grow the kingdom, so let us all take the time and get in the game for the Lord's team.

January 24, 2016
The ice is on the roads making them to dangerous to drive on so church has been cancelled for all services today. In light of the weather conditions I hope you all take time today to spend time in your bible or watching one of the preaching services on television. At 8am this morning our house was watching Charles Stanley. We watched two taped services he had and they were both very good. We will be back at church on Wednesday for normal times. Enjoy the bright and beautiful sunshine today as warmer weather is headed our way soon. God Bless.

February 10, 2016
Valentine's Day is fast approaching.  The roses are in the stores, heart shaped cookies and cakes are on display for sale. It is so nice to show your love for someone special in your life with flowers, candy, gift or a card or maybe a combination of these items you will hand out to that special person. As you celebrate this day and show that person how much they mean to you, let us remember we are God's love. He stated words such as: He does not want anyone to perish, draw near to me and I will draw near to you, seek me and you will find me and the most precious gift of love for anyone was giving us His Son so we do not have to perish but have everlasting life. Yes Valentine's day is to share one's feelings toward another.  What better way to show God's love than to place it on display for the whole world to see.

November 11,2015
Thanks to all of the men and women who have served or are currently serving this great nation and the freedom we have because of their willingness to do so. It takes a special person to stand in the face of adversity, pushing back the delusions of others to control people and the freedom God gave to us. It is my pleasure and privilege as a pastor to stand up and not only say thank you but to take my hat off to all of you as well. My prayer for you is that God resides in your heart and you have a personal relationship with Jesus making your life truly complete.